Virtual business card VS connected: what are the differences?

Connected card Phygitags black

" Following a meeting, a first real exchange, the best way to stay in touch with your meetings is to leave a trace, to be memorable and above all to be able to be contacted again easily. "


The traditional method is the paper business card, but it has a moderate impact: often thrown away or misplaced. However, business cards are an essential element to convey a professional message during real exchanges. The visual aspect of the business card coupled with the information it conveys can be impactful.

In recent years, companies have continued to innovate to bring out new ways to communicate and allow professionals to not enter the sphere of oblivion of its prospects. Among these innovations, there are connected and virtual business cards. Both solutions allow to share information without contact.

From now on, the business card can be entirely dematerialized or partially dematerialized in order to share its information in contactless mode via technologies such as NFC or Qrcodes.

Both solutions offer the advantage of never running out of business cards and of being sure that your information is recorded in the phone of our meetings.

The virtual business card

The virtual business card fully digitizes the paper business card. It is the digital version of the business card. We can say goodbye to any paper support, the smartphone comes to revolutionize the sharing of information by becoming the only intermediary with its meetings.

The virtual business card is a way to share information without contact to his meetings. Several transmission channels are possible: email, social networks or an application developed for this purpose.

The virtual business cards allow you to exchange your business card without contact with your meetings and without the need for physical supports.

Depending on the solution chosen, updating the information can be done quite easily. It is sometimes also possible to add other information such as social networks or PDF brochures.

The connected business card

On the other hand, we can find the connected business card, which keeps a physical aspect through a unique card equipped with a NFC (Near Field Communication) chip that can be read in contactless.

This means that when we meet someone who has a connected business card, we can simply scan their connected business card with our phone to exchange contact information and more in seconds and without contact.

The connected business card can also include additional data such as videos, images and links to websites.

The interest of keeping a physical support has several interests, namely:

  • the memorable aspect through the scan of the card which conveys the company's image through a physical object and a digital interface
  • the "Wow" effect with contactless information sharing via NFC
  • Data security, the company Phygitags which designs connected business cards has developed a dynamic encoding allowing that for each scan a new link is generated. Thus, there is no chance that information will be leaked on the internet or that people will have access to information that is not intended for them.
  • the multiplicity of uses that the physical object enables, while ensuring a sufficient degree of security. In addition to a contactless information-sharing solution using NFC, Phygitags offers its users a host of additional options. The same card can be used to unlock doors, connect to sites securely, authenticate at kiosks...

2 cards, 2 uses

Both solutions have their advantages. They save you money: you don't have to order new cards for every change in your professional life, and you don't have to worry about them being lost or misplaced when you meet new people.

Still, the connected business card offers additional options and much greater integration and security capability.

It is above all the use and the needs that will define if the virtual card or the connected business card is the most adapted way to share our information in contactless while being memorable.

In conclusion, the virtual business card is a practical solution for people looking for a digital version of their business card, while the connected business card offers additional options for professionals and a physical dimension to the company's image.

Phygitags is an excellent choice for those who want to enjoy all the benefits of the connected business card while having access to additional options tailored for professionals.